Sony Open Online Retail competitors iTunes

Sony gives konfirmasi, berencana government has launched a similar online store, Apple's iTunes. Virtual store will sell music, movies, books, and various applications.

Sony also promises onlinenya store allows users to upload videos, photos, and other digital content.

Sony executive Kazuo Hirai mentions this new treatment can be predicted depending on the model of the PlayStation Network. Such evidence is collected from Business Week, Jumat (20/11/2009).

"Until now still a debate. We can not determine whether the PlayStation Network later all users will migrate to the new treatment or not," said Hirai.

Hirai also explained that networks and PlayStation 3 Sony has become the biggest success in the commercial market content online.

PlayStation Networks has more than 33 million registered users and have the benefits of the offer thousands of game content, TV shows, movies that can be Diunduh. In addition, Sony recently reached an agreement with another network called Netflix that allows members of the PlayStation Networks can menstreaming film and other digital content.

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